Wrongful Death
6 Common Mistakes During Personal Injury Negotiations
If you’ve been hurt in an accident in the state of Florida, it is your right to request proper compensation from the insurance companies involved.
Personal injury claims can be stressful and confusing, to begin with. When you don’t understand everything involved, however, they can get even more complicated.
At Flynn Law in the Bradenton-Sarasota area, we have years of experience in auto accidents and other personal injury cases. We know how easy it is to slip up and make a simple mistake that could destroy your chances at receiving proper payment.
When you’re in the process of negotiating with insurance companies, it’s vital to recognize what you should, and shouldn’t do after sustaining a personal injury.
1. Waiting too Long to Seek Medical Attention
Effective January 1, 2013, changes to PIP laws implemented a new cap on the amount of time injured parties can seek medical care after an accident.
If you’ve been involved in a Florida personal injury case, you must see a doctor within 14 days if the accident. While it can sometimes take time for injuries to appear, if you do not go within these two weeks, you will forfeit your right to claim compensation.
2. Ignoring Your Doctor’s Advice
When an injured individual chooses not to follow through with treatment or miss doctor’s appointments, insurance companies take this as a sign that you are not hurt.
Abiding by your doctor’s orders is the best thing you can do to protect the legitimacy of your case.
3. Talking About Your Case with Others
Everyone has an opinion on things, and it’s natural to seek out the advice of others for hard-hitting circumstances. When it comes to personal injury cases, however, it’s important to stay quiet.
At-fault insurance companies will try to obtain record statements from you. These statements are used to try and discredit the validity of your claim. You have the right to refuse their request or direct them to your Bradenton-Sarasota area personal injury attorney if you have one.
The no talking rule also goes for social media. Insurance companies will scan your social media pages as another way of disproving your case.
4. Not Calling the Police After the Accident
By not calling the police, you will have no legal, recorded evidence of the accident. You should also take this opportunity to gather as much proof as you can, on your own.
Take photos and notes at the scene to protect your case, as well.
5. Withholding Information
Bradenton-Sarasota area personal injury attorneys like the ones at Flynn Law will tell you – honesty is the best policy.
When discussing your injuries and abilities with your doctors and lawyers, you need to be upfront. You do not want the insurance companies to discount your claim because you’ve hindered your reputation by lying.
It’s also good to remember that insurance companies will have you under surveillance throughout your negotiations. If you’re dishonest about what you’re capable of doing, there’s a good chance they will find out anyway.
6. Not Hiring a Florida Personal Injury Attorney
Not hiring an attorney or hiring one too late can be detrimental to your claim.
Florida personal injury cases have many ins-and-outs and trying to manage them on your own can quickly become overwhelming. An experienced lawyer will have the insight needed to protect your rights and earn you the highest settlement possible.
If you want the best chance at winning your injury case, give the Flynn Law team a call at 941-800-1140 to set up a free consultation today.